Crack the Code: Analyzing Your Facebook Ad ROI

Let's talk Facebook ads. You know, those little promotional gems that seem to swallow your budget without much to show for it? Yeah, been there, done that. But don’t worry, because today, I'm here to guide you through the maze of Facebook ad metrics and show you how to crack the code of analyzing your ROI like a pro.

ROI also known as ROAS
You probably know that ROI is your return on investment. In the ads world your ROI on ads is also known as ROAS, return on ad spend. ROAS is calculated using tools and back-end data that track the leads to the conversations to the sales conversion.

Understanding Facebook Ad Metrics and Beyond

Alright, now that we have that out of the way, buckle up because we're diving into the nitty-gritty of Facebook ad metrics. Sure, Facebook Ads Manager gives you a ton of data to chew on, but to truly understand your ad performance, you need to go beyond the surface level. That's where a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system swoops in to save the day.

Why a CRM is Your Secret Weapon

Let me share a little story. Back in the day, I was pouring cash into Facebook ads like there was no tomorrow. Sure, I saw clicks and likes, but did those translate into actual sales? Not so much. It wasn't until I integrated a CRM and other systems that I could connect the dots. Suddenly, I could track leads from Facebook Ads Manager all the way through the sales pipeline. Talk about a game-changer! Now, one of my clients is making over 150k/mo just from their ads!

Tracking Sales Team Close Rate: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Ever wondered what happens to those leads once they leave Facebook and land in the lap of your sales team? Yeah, me too. That's where tracking the close rate comes into play. With a CRM in tow, you can follow the journey of each lead, from initial click to final sale. Trust me, knowing your sales team's close rate will give you insights you never knew you needed.

Setting Clear Objectives

Now that we've got our tracking tools in place, let's talk objectives. What are you hoping to achieve with your Facebook ad campaigns? More website traffic? Boosted sales? Maybe you're gunning for lead generation or simply looking to spread the word about your awesome tech product. Whatever it is, set those objectives in stone before you hit that "boost" button. Actually, please don’t hit that “boost” button because it will not get you a good ROAS.

Calculating ROI for Your Facebook Ads

Alright, time to crunch some numbers. Calculating ROI/ROAS doesn't have to be rocket science. It's all about comparing the revenue generated from your ads to the cost of running them. Simple, right? Let's break it down: [(Revenue - Cost) / Cost] * 100. Boom, there's your ROI/ROAS percentage in all its glory.

Leveraging Facebook Pixel for Advanced Tracking

Now, let's talk about Facebook Pixel—a tiny piece of code with massive potential. By slapping this bad boy onto your website, you'll unlock a treasure trove of data. We're talking conversion tracking, ad optimization, and ROI measurement—all wrapped up in one neat package. Seriously, if you haven't installed Facebook Pixel yet, what are you waiting for?

Interpreting ROI Data and Making Informed Decisions

Alright, you've crunched the numbers, analyzed the data, and now you're swimming in insights. But what do you do with all that juicy info? Time to put on your detective hat and start sleuthing. Identify your top-performing campaigns, dissect your ad creative, and fine-tune your audience targeting. Remember, optimization is the name of the game.

Conclusion: Your Path to Facebook Ad ROI Success

Phew, we covered a lot of ground today, didn't we? From understanding Facebook ad metrics to tracking your sales team's close rate, you're now armed with some good data to crack the code of Facebook ad ROI and know if you have hired the right intern, agency, or social media manager. So go ahead, dive into your data, and make those informed decisions on your Facebook Ads. Contact our Facebook ads expert to grow your Facebook ROAS here.

Eric Bolin